'Origin' is a online market place for original products, providing at genuine price. and can deliver to your doorstep. There are approx 30 products, not so many grocery items here because we have strong belief in the line that those who sell every thing, can't show honesty with quality. So, we have decided to sell selected daily use items and we try to procure them from their origin places. That's why We are able to claim and prove our tagline true, "original product @ low cost". As we know our product line related to your health, so, our philosophy is very clear, no compromise with quality. Despite that We always eager to stay ahead in listening and understanding any type of your dissatisfaction or unhappiness with our products. Therefore we dedicated to you a separate email and whatsapp number for any suggestions and complaints. At last we want to repeat, 'Origin' is reaching to you with three promises, "original product, low cost & right conduct".


'Origin' ensures genuine products sourced directly, priced fairly, and delivered to your doorstep, emphasizing quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction.

Customer Support

'Origin' provides dedicated customer support through email and WhatsApp for feedback, suggestions, and resolving any concerns promptly and effectively.

Fast and Reliable Delivery

'Origin' guarantees fast and reliable delivery, ensuring your orders reach you promptly and securely, maintaining our commitment to service excellence.

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